Jeremy Clarkson, famously known for his unapologetic lifestyle, now has an unexpected career twist: staying alive. After a recent health scare, doctors revealed that his arteries were dangerously clogged, urgently requiring surgery to prevent a heart attack. Surprisingly, Clarkson faced the operating table without fear, likening the procedure to “fixing a car’s fuel lines.” But what came after – the lifestyle overhaul doctors insisted on – shook him to his core.
For Clarkson, “not dying” now means embracing a health-conscious lifestyle that couldn’t be further from his usual indulgences. Doctors advised him to ditch beloved staples like bacon, wine, and real milk and replace them with kale, Greek yogurt, and almond milk, which Clarkson compares to “liquefied marzipan.” Exercise is now mandatory, with orders to walk, lift weights, and sit up repeatedly – exercises that he describes as “exhausting.”
Reflecting on years of indulgence – heavy smoking, high-octane adventures, and “four pints of wine a day” – Clarkson says he “always knew this lifestyle wasn’t going to let me live to 112.” But at 64, he’s had a change of heart, eager to see his grandchildren grow and finally make it to the Galapagos Islands.
Now, balancing 10 jobs, from hosting Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? to running a farm, Clarkson is reluctantly adding “not dying” as his eleventh. “Living long shouldn’t mean living miserably,” he argues, hinting that he’s still figuring out how to survive without sacrificing life’s pleasures.