Matteo Berrettiniは、Holger RuneとのCincinnati Mastersのオープニングマッチ前に、8月13日の「Served」エピソードでAndy Roddickとのライブトークに参加しました。これは彼のショーへの初登場であり、イタリアの人気者は彼の今後のイベントについて話しました。議論の中で、RoddickはBerrettiniに「Break Point」での全体的な経験について尋ね、再びそれをするか後悔するかを尋ねました。
Matteo BerrettiniのNetflixでの告白はかなり話題になりました!観客の反応は賛否両論で、一部の人々は彼の正直さを称賛し、他の人々は彼の発言に興味を持ちました。
イタリアの選手は、特に元彼女との物議を醸す瞬間を経験しました。この出来事は、2022年のドキュメンタリーシリーズ「Break Point」の第2エピソードである「Take the crown」で起こりました。カメラはカップルの不快なやり取りを捉え、元世界ランキング6位の彼に思い出を蘇らせました。
あるシーンで、Tomlijanovicは次の試合でオーストラリアンオープンでRafael Nadalと対戦する予定のBerrettiniと彼女のインタビューの場所について話し合いたかった。翌日早い時間に呼び出しがあるBerrettiniは、Tomlijanovicに階下に行って部屋を頼むように言いました。彼女はユーモラスな口調で、彼女がオンエアで彼女を追い出したと観客に伝えると答えました。Despite the lighthearted nature of their exchange, it sparked controversy online and led to criticism of Berrettini’s behavior. Ultimately, the couple ended their relationship in February 2022. Berrettini, who was unable to defeat his opponent the following day, explained that they broke up because they both deserved to be happy.
Reflecting on those moments, Berrettini expressed his disappointment with how the docuseries portrayed their relationship. He felt that they only showed a small part of the year and wished they had included more. However, he acknowledged the challenges the production team faced in covering multiple players. When asked if he would do it again, he admitted he probably wouldn’t, considering the outcome.
Tomljanovic also shared her perspective on the situation in a previous interview. She confirmed the breakup and emphasized that their conversations during the docuseries were blown out of proportion. She found it amusing that people picked up on that particular scene and assured everyone that it wasn’t as dramatic as it seemed.
During a press conference at the Queen’s Club Championship, Berrettini publicly acknowledged the split with Tomljanovic. He stated that he wasn’t actively seeking love but would welcome it if it came his way. While he focused on moving forward, Tomljanovic clarified that their interactions in the docuseries were not as significant as they were made out to be.